Event box

Narrative Film Production: Working as Part of a Crew

Narrative Film Production: Working as Part of a Crew In-Person

Translating a screenplay into a film requires careful pre-production, coordination, and teamwork.  In this workshop, we'll break down a written scene into a shot list, thinking carefully about the placement of cameras and lights at our shooting location, and then execute the plan by dividing up into a team that includes actors and crew members.  At least five participants are required to run this workshop, so please ask your friends or club members to sign up with you!

Taught by Mark Dellelo, the director of SIMS, and open to all Brandeis students.  A great opportunity to meet fellow media creators and get involved in our community.

Browse our complete series with registration links.

Monday, September 23, 2024 Show more dates
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Sound & Image Media Studios, Farber Level 3
  Sound & Image Media Studios  

Registration is required. There are 11 seats available.

Registration emails

Registration for most of our workshops requires a brandeis.edu email address. If you don't have a brandeis.edu email address and are trying to register for a workshop which requires one, please email librarycalendar@brandeis.edu and we’d be happy to figure out an option for you.

Event Organizer