Event box

Creative Writing Presents: January Gill O'Neill and Krysten Hill In-Person

Whether writing about Blackness, body, family, nature or nurture, love or loss, O'Neil always keeps a sense of hope and humor. Glitter Road sparkles and dazzles.

-Kelli Russell Agodon

January Gill O'Neil is the author of Glitter Road, Rewilding, Misery Islands, and Underlife. From 2012-2018, she served as the executive director of the Massachusetts Poetry Festival.

Krysten Hill is the 2024-26 Brandeis Jacob Ziskind Poet-in-Residence and author of How Her Spirit Got Out.

Co-sponsored by the Brandeis Library

Event made possible by the Grossbardt Memorial Fund

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Rapaporte Treasure Hall, Goldfarb 1

Registration emails

Registration for most of our workshops requires a brandeis.edu email address. If you don't have a brandeis.edu email address and are trying to register for a workshop which requires one, please email librarycalendar@brandeis.edu and we’d be happy to figure out an option for you.

Event Organizer

Mary Calo

Manager of Public Services
