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Virtual Graduate Write-in Studio In-Person

This Write-In hosted by the Brandeis University Writing Center offers graduate students a structured space to sit down and simply write their dissertations, theses, or articles and develop good writing habits. The meeting time is bright and early on Monday mornings to enable writers to start the week off right and help prevent procrastination and guilt.

By signing up, writers pledge to show up consistently and on time, stay for as much of the session as possible, focus solely on their dissertations, theses, and/or articles, and to spend as much time as they can actively writing (performing research or reading for your project is fine, but make it a goal to write during the session). Writers also pledge to support others’ writing by limiting distractions and keeping conversation to a minimum, while also fostering a welcoming and supportive environment. 

New for Spring/Summer 2020: The Write-in will now take place over ZOOM. Additionally, participants will take part in more formal goal-setting for the session and for each week between write-ins.

ZOOM link will be sent out 2 hours prior to Write-in.

Monday, June 15, 2020 Show more dates
9:00am - 11:30am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Writing Center  
Registration has closed.

Registration emails

Registration for most of our workshops requires a brandeis.edu email address. If you don't have a brandeis.edu email address and are trying to register for a workshop which requires one, please email librarycalendar@brandeis.edu and we’d be happy to figure out an option for you.

Event Organizer

Paige Eggebrecht


Director of the Writing Center

she, her, hers



Writing Center