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Intro to Moodle Online
Dive into Moodle 4!
Are you ready to take your course to the next level with Moodle 4? Join our immersive workshop designed to equip you with the skills to seamlessly transition your course materials and tour the exciting new features of Moodle 4!
In this workshop, you'll learn how to port over your existing course from LATTE to Moodle 4. Gain hands-on experience as we guide you through the process of restoring your previous LATTE course into Moodle 4 and explore the new features of the revamped layout.
Registration emails
Registration for most of our workshops requires a brandeis.edu email address. If you don't have a brandeis.edu email address and are trying to register for a workshop which requires one, please email librarycalendar@brandeis.edu and we’d be happy to figure out an option for you.